Helpful Animated GIF Hints for Ning 3.0 Networks
Post date: Dec 20, 2013 8:20:38 PM
Your Members Are Confused!
Show them the Way, in Style!
A few weeks back on the Creators Forum, I anticipated quite a few Ning Creators needing strategically placed indicators for showing their members how to use the new framework. So I am offering the following animated hints for free to those who might like to use them for instructing members regarding use of the various features inside Ning 3.0. Of course you might like to make your own (you can find the tool I use here), in which case those posted here may be a good checklist for hints you might consider making yourself, showcasing your own Ning network design. You might like to bookmark this page, as I will add more animated gif hints for Ning 3.0 networks as I create them myself.
Are You Lost in Ning 3.0?
If you're feeling lost in Ning 3.0 or are not sure how or where to start planning to move your Ning 2.0 to 3.0, simply drop me a line and let's discuss it. For more Ning tips such as these, look here or visit my profile on the Creators Forum. Good Luck Creators!
Profile Customizations Ning 3.0
Customizing Ning 3.0 Profile Cover Photos
Ning Groups 3.0
Adding Page to Groups Dashboard
Importing Youtube Channels to Social Pages in Groups 3.0
A Creative Example of a Ning Group turned Theatre
Changing Ning 3.0 Profile Cover Photos
Feature Tabs for New Profiles in Ning 3.0
Bonus Animated Hints
And here are a few animated hints for helping members add content to the network from other social profiles and channels.
Youtube Embed Tips
Embedding a Youtube Playlist
Finding Embed Code for Youtube Video to Embed in Network
404 Error Message which can be injected into Ning Language Editor