How to Find The Best RSS Feeds for Your Ning Network
Post date: May 7, 2014 7:34:34 PM
My favorite go-to spot for finding RSS feeds around a particular topic would have to be because of the ease of use and infinite combinations of searches which can be made.
Example for RSS Tags on Ning Networks
For example, if you plug in something like the following, you'll get the most popular Tags for your videos:
Find the most popular Photo tags in your network by plugging in the following:
First: Preview the Feed
Second: Right Click and Copy Feed URL > Paste it into RSS Module
/* This is a great way to create a quick digest for a broadcast. Just copy and paste the results from PREVIEW RSS into your message/*
Other Workarounds for Finding RSS Feeds
Finding RSS Feeds for Twitter
Twitter no longer supports RSS Feeds but you can still generate your own using this workaround. If you wish to insert two or more words in your search query, use %20 as the separator – for example Hello%20World.
Text Box
Finding RSS Feeds for Youtube
1. Get the most recently uploaded videos of any YouTube user<user>/uploads [example]
2. Get the RSS feed of videos that contain a particular tag<tag>; [example]
3. Get the RSS feed for any search query on YouTube<query>&orderby=relevance [example]
Amit of Digital Inspiration suggests:
Replace “relevance” by either “published” or “viewCount” to order search results by the upload date or view count of videos respectively. Also, here are somestandard feeds for most shared YouTube videos, most highly rated videos, most viewed videos and so on.
Finding RSS Feeds for Facebook
1. RSS feed of your Facebook Notifications Go here to see the private link of your Facebook notifications feed.
2. Subscribe to Facebook Pages via RSS Feeds<ID>; [example]
To get the ID of any Facebook Page, go to and replace Digital Inspiration in the URL with the username of any Facebook Page. Also, Facebook does not offer RSS feeds for individual profiles.
Another Useful Tool for Finding Facebook Feeds:
RSS Feeds for Social Images
Finding RSS Feeds for Pinterest
1. Get the RSS feed of any Pinterest user<user>/feed.rss [example]
2. Get the RSS feed of any Pinterest board<user>/<board>/rss [example]
Finding RSS Feeds for Instagram, Picasa, Flickr
1. Get the RSS feed of photos uploaded by a Flickr user<ID>; [example]
2. RSS feed of Flickr photos that contain certain tags (comma separated)<t1>,<t2>; [example]
3. RSS Feeds of Instagram photos that have a particular tag<tag>/feed/recent.rss [example]
4. RSS Feeds of Picasa photos that match a search terms<search>; [example]
Tumblr, Blogger and Wordpress
1. Get the RSS feed of a Blogger (blogspot) blog http://<blogname> [example]
2. Get the RSS feed of a Tumblr blog http://<blogname> [example]
3. Get the RSS feed of an WordPress hosted blog http://<blogname> [example]
Closing Tip: You never want to import a feed into your home page as it will encourage visitors to click off your feeds for external sources in interior pages
I also have close to 60 other Ning tips for RSS feeds, so take a look!
If you are looking for someone with years of experience with Ning to help you set up your network for primetime, get in touch with me. Happy to help! Good Luck Ning Creators!