Project: Australian Wine Tasting Community

Post date: Jul 18, 2014 11:19:15 PM

World's First Wine Tasters Online Community

What's better than drinking a nice bottle of wine with your friends? Being knowledgeable about the wine you're drinking and sharing it with the world! This is exactly what is happening over on the Australian Wine Tasting Group (aka I figured it was about time to share this terrific new-ish project with you all. I'm going to briefly tell you about AWTG community which I have been building on the Ning platform, share a few of the exciting features and tell you how to get involved.

But before I do, I'd like to tell you why I decided to take on this project. I do not drink a lot of wine myself, so this community development is partly an anthropological exercise but mostly inspired by the passing of one of my best friends on the planet, Shannon Locke. Shannon was from Australia and loved expressing his knowledge of wine. Shortly after his abrupt passing I received a call from Big Teddy, a Ning Community Owner who found me through my Ning Help page. His vision and direction for what he wanted his community for wine tasters to look like and feel like were rock solid and so in memory of my late great friend, I decided to start work on it. Fast forward a few months and you see the world's first community exclusively for the Wine Tasters of the world take form. If Shannon were around today, he would be uploading photos of bottles everyday and sharing his love for grapes and good wine with the world! I have packed a lot of love and quite a few uncommon or first-of-their-kind features inside this growing community and I believe that he is smiling down upon it everyday.

If You Like Wine, You're in Good Company!

Members of the Australian Wine Tasting Community are not all from Aussie Country..they are from all around the world! We have both professional and amateur wine tasters, grape farmers, winery owners, Wine Vendors and More! If you happen to have a taste for wine, but need to brush up on the terms used for describing the wine you are drinking, we've got you covered. I have built in a custom Wine Dictionary App which can be accessed from the toolbar on every page of the network.

Rate Your Wine Bottles

Let's picture a nice evening with friends. You're about to open that bottle of wine that you've been saving for a special occasion. Before you pull that cork, you remember that you can preserve this moment forever by simply snapping a photo of that bottle and uploading it to AWTG Wine Bottle Photos. But wait, it gets better! After you've finished the bottle, you can come back and Rate Your Wine Bottle! You can then search and find other bottles shared by members and rate how those tasted as well! Just bookmark on your mobile browser and you'll never forget those moments again.

Learn About Wine From the Pros

There are several areas of the community where you can ask questions about wine and get answers from the pros. One of the best ways to keep up with trends in wine is to brush up inside the Wine Taster's Theatre, where only the best wine related channels from Youtube and Vimeo have been conveniently imported all in one place for you.

This is a great tool for learning more about Wine Terminology, which will obviously make you sound a lot cooler at the next local wine tasting event.

Where Did That Wine Come From?

If you've ever been curious about where that bottle of wine you just drank came from, AWTG is just the place for finding that answer. I have integrated a Wine Regions Map into the network so you can visualize where wineries and grape farms are located around the world.